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                 ; If you have a 1200 indial :-(, use 1200
                 ; here and change the hunt-confirm sequence
                 ; to @ wait 1 <CR>

 ; Users with MNP modems should disable MNP as the buffering
 ; combined with PCP's packet latency will cause block position
 ; errors during error recovery. For HST owners, use:

 send AT&M0<CR>
 waitfor OK

 ;  Others should adjust the above for their modem
 ;  non-buffered modem owners should comment out the
 ;  above two lines.

 ; Your Indial Phone Number Here

 send ATDT4795372<CR>
 ; send ATDT4795445<CR> ; official number
 ; 6406 5776 5355 5372 ; alternates

 ; If you are having difficulty with your indial line, call
 ; PCP customer service and they may be able to give you
 ; an alternate number that works better.

      CONNECT        : >whackit
      RING<CR>       : fail
      BUSY<CR>       : fail
      "NO "          : fail
      @default       : fail

 :whackit                    ; Attempt to "wake-up" PCP
      purgein                ; Telenet recommends at least
      wait      2            ; a 200 ms pause between
      send      @            ; characters in the hunt-confirm sequence
      wait      1            ; change the @ to <CR> if you call
      send      D            ; a 1200 bps indial
      wait      1
      send      <CR>
      waitfor   TERMINAL=
      send      D3<CR>       ; Preferred terminal type
      waitfor   @

 ; Your ID and Password Here

 :outdial                    ; Dial PCP city
      retrycount 5
      send      C @OUTBOUND,YOURPCPID<CR>    ; Your ID Here
      waitfor   PASSWORD
      send      YOURPASSWORD<CR>             ; Your Password Here

      CONNECT         : >local               ; Gotcha!
      BUSY            : >outdial
      "NOT "          : fail
      @nocarrier      : fail
      @default        : fail

 :local                                      ; Initialize Outdial
      send <CR>
      wait 1
      send I<CR>
      send ATZ|
      timerset 15
      waitfor OK
      send @|
      waitfor @

 ; Setup PADS

 ; Note - if you are calling a SEAdog system,
 ; change the SET and RST 5:1 and 12:1 to 5:0 and 12:0
 ; as SEAlink is not transparent to software flow control

 ; If you only call WaZoo systems, use 5:1 and 12:1 for
 ; fewer errors and greater reliability.

  send SET?<sp>1:0,7:8<CR>

  waitfor @

 ; send RST?5:1,12:1<CR>

 ;    waitfor @

      send CONT<CR>
      send ATH0Z<CR>
      waitfor OK|IDLE
      send <ENQ><CR>                ; Turn on RV Mode
      waitfor *


      timerset 50
      wait 2
      send D@LOCALNUM<CR>


      ANS             : >landing
      ONLINE          : >landing
      BUSY            : fail
      FAILED          : fail
      "NO CARRIER"    : fail
      "NO DIAL TONE"  : fail
      "NO DTR"        : fail
      VOICE           : fail
      @default        : fail
      @nocarrier      : fail

 :landing                           ; Landing on Pluto
      wait 7                        ; wait for PCP messages to clear

 ;/* End Of File */

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson